Believe in You
Located in the heart of Boro Park, Sipuk is a licensed mental health clinic for children and adults. We are here with unwavering support, belief in your strength, and tangible tools to help you through the journey.

Excellent therapists
in a welcoming setting
Step into Sipuk’s gleaming premises and you’ll instantly sense that you’re in a place where good things happen. Here, children and adults ease their emotional pain, learn to deal with their struggles, and strengthen themselves for future challenges.

A tailored approach
A preliminary intake is done by phone before you arrive so you’ll be assigned
a therapist before your first visit. Your therapist will then complete the
intake, avoiding the need for a drawn-out admission process.
Provides one-on-one
therapy with a
compassionate therapist
Helps children express
emotions, overcome
fears, and master skills
through guided play
Fosters new understanding
and resolution between
family members
Offers empathetic support
from a peer who’s been
there and has come out on
the other side
Provides clinical
medication management
under careful supervision
Offers an embracing
environment to address
an array of struggles
Can we help you move past this hard time?
Call to schedule an appointmentMedicaid + most Medicaid HMOs are accepted
What’s important to you
is important to us

Cultural sensitivity
As a community-based facility, we understand what you need in a clinic — and in a clinician. We are keenly attuned to the cultural nuances and unique dynamics of the clients we serve, and will tailor our therapy and recommendations accordingly.

In a close-knit community, you may prefer not to meet people you know. A lot of thought was invested into the setup of our clinic — we utilize private waiting rooms and even offer backdoor access to ensure client privacy is respected.

Mental and emotional health is so vital, nobody wants to compromise on the quality of treatment. At Sipuk, your high expectations are met masterfully. Our providers are skilled and knowledgeable, and are carefully supervised by expert leadership.
Hands-on leadership
It’s reassuring to know that your treatment will be supervised weekly by practitioners who are top in their fields. Should you ever have a concern, you’ll find them readily available to talk things over with you.
Our renowned leaders ensure the quality of therapy we offer is on par with some of the best therapy offered in private practice.
“We found a therapist who has a lot of experience working
with boys and teens, and he’s amazing — a
lifesaver for my
son. There’s a side door, and his therapist waits for him
there so he shouldn’t
be uncomfortable.”
–Father of a 14-year-old
Conditions we treat
Sipuk offers gentle guidance for day-to-day challenges
and comprehensive care for high-risk
We also perform basic health screenings.
“When my daughter, who is the nicest, kindest kid you can ever meet, had a psychotic episode in camp, I panicked. I was determined to get her the right help, even if it would mean remortgaging our house. I couldn’t imagine that excellent psychotherapy could be covered by our Medicaid insurance. But here we are, six months later and in a MUCH better place.”
–Mother of a 15-year-old

Help is accessible
and convenient
Sipuk Clinic serves adults and children ages five and up

Insurance Coverage
- Therapy costs are covered by most insurances
and Medicaid HMOs.
Hours and Location
- Open late to fit
your schedule - Sun - Thurs: 9am to 9pm
Fri: 9am to 1pm - Location: Boro Park
4102 13th Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11219
At home, Dovi* was a lively, energetic, and talkative child. At school, he had turned into a silent recluse. Having been a victim of bullying in his class, Dovi was afraid to open up or try to make friends. His academic struggles didn’t help matters, and every day of school was torturous. His parents, desperate to get him help, reached out to Sipuk Clinic.
When they came for Dovi’s first appointment, they were blown away by the magnificent play therapy rooms, complete with a huge array of toys and games. Dovi was enchanted and quickly settled down to play. However, this experience transcended mere play. With guidance from his warm and compassionate therapist, Dovi gradually lowered his defenses, acquired new skills, and overcame his fears — all while enjoying himself.
Over time, Dovi's confidence blossomed, leading him to take brave new steps in social interactions. He also agreed to work with a tutor so he could keep up with the class. Months later, his teachers have seen a transformation — Dovi is thriving while using the new skills he picked up in the very special playrooms at Sipuk.
Sipuk, at your service
For your child, Sipuk is their happy place. Here, a child plagued by anxiety or going through a difficult experience will find a listening ear and a safe space for hope and healing.
For you, Sipuk is a convenient way to get excellent, professional mental health services. You don’t need to wait until a problem mushrooms and then devote extensive resources to resolving it.
Early treatment is as simple as
scheduling an appointment here.
Call to schedule an appointment Most insurances are accepted
Request a Callback
We’ll give you a ring as soon as we’re back in the office.
Please tell us how we can best contact you.